Now is the time to consider Stride

NOW IS THE TIME TO CONSIDER STRIDE Stuart Brennan – Professional Farrier The seasonal transition from spring to summer presents ongoing challenges for farriers and horse owners, particularly with the increased incidence of hoof abscesses. Fluctuating weather patterns (alternating between wet and dry conditions) create an environment favorable to infections within the hoof. We sought...

Spring Grooming Routine for Your Dog

Spring Grooming Routine for Your Dog 🌸🐶 As spring approaches, your dog may start shedding its winter coat. Here’s a simplified grooming routine to keep your pup happy and healthy during this transition: 1. Brushing Frequency: Daily or 3-4 times a week Method: Brush against, then with, the hair growth. Use a slicker brush or...

Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs Teeth

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FOR DOGS TEETH A natural and non-toxic option to your dog’s dental care Using apple cider vinegar as part of your dog’s dental care routine can help reduce bacteria, freshen breath, and prevent plaque buildup. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can be used as a natural and gentle cleaner to help maintain your...

Kylie Broxam’s Secret to Strong, Healthy Horses

Kylie Broxam’s Secret to Strong, Healthy Horses: The Power of NRG Calcium JenJan Furst Star If we had asked NRG Ambassador Kylie Broxam a couple of years ago about her most frequently used NRG product, her answer would have undoubtedly been No-Nots. However, times have changed, and today, Kylie’s top choice is NRG Calcium. Her...

Tackling Greasy Heel in Horses

Tackling Greasy Heel in Horses: Prevention and Treatment with Pro-Tect Before & After using NRG Pro-Tect Greasy heel, also known as mud fever, is a frustrating skin condition that affects many horses, especially during wet and muddy seasons. If you’ve noticed your horse’s legs becoming irritated or scabby, greasy heel might be the culprit. What...

Getting Back in the Saddle: Riding After Babies

Getting Back in the Saddle: Riding After Babies Ever heard someone say you’d have to give up riding once the baby comes? Ha! It’s time to prove them wrong. So, you’ve just had a baby, and you’re chomping at the bit to get back in the saddle. First things first, make sure your doctor gives...

Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs

A Guide to Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs Winter is well and truly here and it is that time of year when dogs often experience skin conditions. Dog owners today prefer a natural, cost-effective option and that’s why we love our Apple Cider Vinegar, one of NRG’s most versatile products. Apple Cider Vinegar can offer...