Cutting with Katie Beresford – Veterinary Nurse NSW
What’s been happening with Katie now that restrictions are easing?
“First and foremost, I am so happy to be back competing!!!
I have almost finished my Certificate in Equine Sports Massage Therapy and I am also studying Deep Tissue Mobilisation and Equine Kinesiology.
Finally, I have begun setting up my ASH Stud, which has been three years in the making!”
What you have been up to on your property?
“Well, hay making has not been in our favour this year as it has been way too wet, however, we did get some grain harvest and sowing done.”
How did COVID-19 lockdown affect your life?
Being a Veterinary Nurse and classed as an essential worker, I have been quite fortunate to be able to continue my work. While it was so sad to see all of the shops closed, I enjoyed the quieter roads when travelling to work and between farms. Living on a farm at both mum and dads and at my partners there was no time to get bored!
Where you are at now with your horses?
We have been doing quite well at our competitions over the last few months back. We had not competed in over a year due to fracturing my neck and jaw and then Ari being sick. January was our first comp back and I am proud to say, our fastest time at this event was 1 min 1 sec.
The team sort back in February, we also took out a solid 2nd place out of 193 runs with a time of 51 seconds!
We have another sort coming up at Easter- This is a 3-day event.
I am aiming to compete Ari in her first draft this year. I have at least 1 event each month until about July where I am planning on giving both her and I some time off riding.
What is your fave NRG product at this time of the year?
My favourite NRG product is defiantly the NRG Pro-tect barrier cream at this time of year with all this wet weather.
My retired heart horse Rusty always gets greasy heal in this weather. This cream gives me the peace of mind that his legs can be protected from mud and water.
Coming in 2nd favourite would have to be the NRG No Nots! No nots allows me to get the mud out of my horses tail without washing it all the time!